Kristiansand - Mollestad - Vennesla - Kristiansand

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Dette er en grei tur med bare en lang bakke (mellom Mollestad og Grovane over Svaland) og ellers veldig flatt terreng.

Route data

Added bybalchen
Distance65,6 km
Ascent495 m
Lowest point-6 m
Highest point215 m


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Ride times

Your speedYour time
20 kp/h03:16:53
25 kp/h02:37:30
30 kp/h02:11:15
35 kp/h01:52:30
40 kp/h01:38:26


NameFrom startTo endFrom lastAltitudeAscentDescent
Kristiansand0,0 km65,6 km0,0 km900
Mollestad29,5 km36,1 km29,5 km21176162
Vennesla48,6 km17,1 km19,0 km46243215
Kristiansand65,6 km0,0 km17,0 km84179
