Porsgrunn 400 km brevet

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400 km kvalifiseringsritt til Paris-Brest-Paris arrangert i Porsgrunn. Veimerkene viser stemplingsstasjoner hvor ankomst skal attesteres av den lokale bensinstasjonen.

Route data

Added bybalchen
Distance395,9 km
Ascent4195 m
Lowest point7 m
Highest point990 m


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Ride times

Your speedYour time
20 kp/h19:47:48
25 kp/h15:50:14
30 kp/h13:11:52
35 kp/h11:18:44
40 kp/h09:53:54


NameFrom startTo endFrom lastAltitudeAscentDescent
Herøya0,0 km395,9 km0,0 km1000
Gvarv55,0 km340,9 km55,0 km33482458
Gransherad113,6 km282,3 km58,6 km210700522
Rjukan201,0 km194,9 km87,4 km310922822
Rauland238,8 km157,1 km37,8 km953896253
Morgedal287,1 km108,9 km48,3 km435223744
334,5 km61,4 km47,4 km74242607
Herøya395,9 km0,0 km61,4 km10450515
