Kristiansand - Hægeland - Laudal - Kristiansand

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Route data

Added bybalchen
Distance110,9 km
Ascent1145 m
Lowest point2 m
Highest point404 m


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Ride times

Your speedYour time
20 kp/h05:32:37
25 kp/h04:26:06
30 kp/h03:41:45
35 kp/h03:10:04
40 kp/h02:46:18


NameFrom startTo endFrom lastAltitudeAscentDescent
Kristiansand0,0 km110,9 km900
Skarpengland23,1 km87,8 km23,1 km212309102
Hægeland36,8 km74,1 km13,7 km253171130
Bjelland52,3 km58,6 km15,5 km102172320
Laudal68,9 km42,0 km16,6 km6772104
Stupstad83,7 km27,2 km14,8 km181278161
Nodeland98,1 km12,7 km14,4 km266162
Kristiansand110,8 km0,0 km12,7 km9107125



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